Pediatric dietitians are uniquely trained in assessing the nutrient needs of children from birth all the way through their teenage years.
The role of the pediatric dietitian is to assess a child’s growth, feeding patterns and skills, along with their nutrient needs. The dietitian then helps the parents to set goals and acts as a coach to help families set their children on a trajectory for life-long health and a positive relationship with food.
All children who are seen in our feeding program are also referred for regular evaluation by our Registered Dietitian.

Other common reasons your pediatrician may refer your child to see a Registered Dietitian:
- Poor weight gain/ failure to thrive
- Rapid weight gain/ overweight
- Picky eating/ feeding challenges
- Food allergies or other conditions requiring avoidance of food groups
- Gastrointestinal disorders such as: Reflux (GERD), constipation, Celiac disease, and more